Can You Get Braces from a Normal Dentist?

Find out if you can get braces from a normal dentist from an expert's perspective. Learn about different types of braces and how they work.

Can You Get Braces from a Normal Dentist?

The answer is yes, you can. A dentist who has not completed an orthodontic residency program may have the knowledge to do so through qualified seminars. However, the skill level may not be up to par due to the lack of rigorous exams and tests that would assess if the material was mastered. As a result, a dentist on this path can offer cookie mold services that treat each patient's problems in the same way. General dentists often recommend orthodontic appliances for patients with crooked teeth, as well as excessive or under-bitten bites.

With modern dentistry, there are now more technologies than ever to straighten teeth. Aligners are one of the most popular forms because they are light in color, making it a discreet treatment method. Different dental companies create clear aligners and there are many different brands. However, they all work relatively equally. Aligners are a complete piece for the upper or lower half of teeth.

They are usually made of a plastic material that is removable and comfortable. Aligners are different from traditional braces in that they move teeth together, rather than individually. General dentists tend to recommend aligners to patients with minor imperfections, as opposed to serious ones, such as extremely crooked teeth or an uneven bite. A general dentist with orthodontic training can provide you with braces. This can make the process of placing braces easier and keep your teeth clean. Regular dental visits are vital while wearing braces.

There are some dentists who can provide orthodontic care for their patients. However, there are stipulations in place. This is generally only allowed if the dentist has committed to taking continuing education seminars and gaining experience in the subject. Unfortunately, these workshops and seminars tend to lack the kind of rigorous training and testing necessary to actually learn extensive and specific material in depth. A more superficial understanding is not always enough to provide the best possible treatment for patients when it comes to orthodontics. It's common for dentists to have a specialty.

You can find a dentist who is extremely trained and experienced in oral surgeries, such as removing impacted teeth or placing dental implants. That person may not be as skilled when it comes to orthodontics. A good dentist will give you a referral when you need it. When the dentist meets with a patient they cannot help, they will immediately refer you to an orthodontist. The dentist will know when to call the cavalry. If you are dealing with a problem that requires orthodontics, a good dentist will let you know as soon as you need a referral.

Similarly, a dentist can provide braces or aligners to move teeth, but that doesn't mean the dentist is an orthodontist.