What is the Highest Paying Dental Specialty?

Find out which dental specialty earns the highest salary - endodontists. Learn more about other high-paying dental professions such as orthodontists, dental lab technicians, orthodontic assistants, endodontic assistants and pediatric dentists.

What is the Highest Paying Dental Specialty?

If you are looking for a career in dentistry that pays well, you may be wondering which dental specialty earns the highest salary. The answer is endodontists, who specialize in diagnosing and treating tooth pain caused by a problem inside the tooth pulp. Endodontists perform root canal treatments and other procedures to save and restore teeth, rather than removing and replacing the tooth. In addition to endodontists, other dental professionals who earn high salaries include orthodontists, dental lab technicians, orthodontic assistants, and endodontic assistants.

Orthodontists diagnose, prevent, and treat overbites, underbites, gaps, or overcrowding of teeth with wires, braces, retainers, and other corrective appliances. Dental lab technicians create dentures and dental appliances such as crowns and bridges. Orthodontic assistants prepare patients for treatment and perform simple procedures under the direction of the orthodontist. Endodontic assistants work with an endodontist to assist in their practice and procedures.

Pediatric dentists also have a high earning potential. They focus on teaching their patients and families about proper oral health and the importance of preventing tooth decay through daily tooth care. To work in any of these specialties, you will need to earn a dental degree and may need to complete additional training or a residency program.