Root Canal Surgery: What You Need to Know

Root canal treatment is an endodontic procedure performed by a specialist to save a natural tooth from extraction. Learn more about root canal surgery here.

Root Canal Surgery: What You Need to Know

Root canal treatment is an endodontic procedure performed by a specialist to save a natural tooth. It is one of the most common dental procedures due to inflammation and infection of the dental pulp. During a root canal, the affected pulp is removed and the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed. An apicectomy, or root end resection, may be necessary when inflammation or infection persists in the bone area around the end of the tooth after a root canal procedure.

Endodontic treatment is a serious procedure, but one that specialists perform every day. Before undergoing any type of dental treatment, it is important to understand the facts about root canals. A root canal is an endodontic procedure, something that is done inside the tooth. It does not involve anything external to the tooth itself, such as removal of gum tissue or bone, scalpels, mess, or hassle.

During a root canal, the nerve and pulp are removed from the tooth and the inside is cleaned and sealed. Without treatment, the tissue surrounding the tooth will become infected and an abscess can form. Root canal treatment relieves pain caused by an infected or abscessed tooth. The surfaces inside the tooth are then cleaned and disinfected, and a filling is placed to seal the space.

The narrow channels under the pulp chamber on the inside of the tooth are hollowed out and cleaned, and the roots are filmed with flexible nickel titanium files. Root canal therapy restores and saves an average of 17 million teeth each year. Root canal surgery is a safe and effective way to save your natural teeth from extraction. It can stop pain and keep your tooth in place.